Reflecting a unique fusion of Andean and European influences, Tremos’ work explores themes of cultural identity, memory, and syncretism. His pieces blur the boundaries between figurative and abstract art, merging vibrant colors, traditional symbols, and contemporary techniques. By employing diverse materials such as textiles and paint, Tremos crafts dynamic installations that challenge conventional narratives and provoke reflection on post-colonial realities. Each work stands as a testament to his ongoing exploration of the intersections between personal heritage and contemporary artistic expression.

selected artworks

Ameri, La Friche, Marseille 2023

Paracas, 2023

Miedo, acrylic, 151 x 215 cm, 2022

Abirra, acrylic, 167 x 220 cm, 2022

Ameri 2.0, La Friche, Marseille, 2024

La Chola, Marseille, 2023

Paracas beta, 250 x 150 cm, 2022

Yuriña, Lac, Lapin, Herreur, acrylic 400 x 280 cm, 2022

B [R] U T O, acrylic, 220 x 400 cm, 2023

Place Communale, Toulouse, 2023

Festival Cine Latino, Toulouse, 2023